ASP.Net Core & Project Rider

ASP.Net Core & Project Rider So, just a few days ago I installed ASP.Net Core using their tutorial for CentOS 7 under Fedora. Good news — it works without any further issues (maybe except for the fact, that they forgotten to mention adding source ~/.dnx/dnvm/ to bash_profile). It went really smoothly, and I could even create new Visual Studio project using VS Code tutorial for creating projects, and it was working out-of box as well (using Yeoman for creating new ASP.

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Google Authorization in ASP.Net MVC 6

Google Authorization in ASP.Net MVC 6 So, as the new year break is coming to an end, I finally found some time to look into new ASP.Net 5 MVC version (currently marked as a Release Candidate) and started working on some simple project that I currently call FoodyRater on Visual Studio 2015 Community version. First things that I decided to set up was website layout and authorization by Google account.

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BOM of Integer.parseInt() doom

BOM of Integer.parseInt() doom Tl;dr; version: Byte order mark in text file was responsible for Integer.parseInt() method throwing an exception (if it wasn’t obvious from a title). That post is probably first one to talk about some specific issue, so here we go for a ride! In case you missed categories marks — it’s about Java, version 1.8.0_45. Yesterday I was teaching my girlfriend how to code in Java (let me omit my reasons for choosing this language).

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Advent of Code

Advent of Code Mostly this one will be more of an advertisement than an actual post, but still I would like to write about it. From the beggining of december, website offers everyday challanges for software developers to do some programming excercises. You write code on your own in any language that you prefer for input provided by this website, and then you have to send them back results. At the moment I do it as an warm-up before starting my work day.

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Hello World!

Hello World! Yes, so basically this is first post on this blog. If you wanted to see what I was writing in the past, then this is the end, you won’t have to scroll any further. As for what will be written here… Probably mostly IT-related stuff. I’m a programmer, so that would make sense. Keep in mind that I have ADHD when it comes to frameworks, and languages, so expect all kind of posts about different technologies.

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